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The interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations, substances, or other agents to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects.




'Synergy' is about creating opportunities to connect different groups, expertise, ideas, and knowledge, for positive and practical ways forward. When professionals, parents, and academics are engaged in meaningful dialogue, important questions are asked and new understanding can be reached.

Synergy Consultants are a group of colleagues, parents, governors and academics with a common purpose and a range of expertise. They are committed to creating sustainable and inclusive educational environments for children and young people.

One size of professional education does not fit all learners, teachers or school communities. 

 Evidence of 'what works' in education can be valuable to help educators make informed decisions about ways forward. Sometimes, learning and the needs of a community are more complex, and leaders need to address more nuanced requirements of their schools. Each school, classroom, and community have different identities and one size does not fit all. Working with Synergy consultants offers support to explore alternatives. 

Empower your community to ask new questions about ways forward.

'What Works' for some will not work for all

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The Synergy Partnership

Find out more about the Synergy Partnership Colleagues and their expertise.

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Teacher Education does not end once initial teacher training and induction has concluded, but it can be hard to find good quality training and development that meets the specific needs of individuals or schools. ​ Teachers and specialist colleagues deserve opportunities to reflect deeply, and critically explore their practice in light of new or different knowledge. They deserve to have access to scholarly dialogue, enhancing their pedagogy and agency toward a more sustainable professional career. ​ Leaders deserve to be able to access coaching and critical friendship from experienced and effective leaders outside of their organisation, to bring new 'lenses' and perspectives to their leadership

All Staff Development

Changes to educational policy, global and local economic crises, and the aftermath of the pandemic, have re-calibrated the role of the school, the education staff, and needs of the learner.  ​ School staff, including governors, deserve to have access to ongoing development and training that extends their knowledge and practice, synthesising this into new understanding. Not all training should be operational or solely focused on the delivery of a particular approach. Education staff need opportunities to step back and critically engage with their practice and enrich their knowledge,

Community Relationships

All parents and carers deserve to access informed and balanced guidance for how to appropriately support and advocate for their children., with school and medical professionals. It is not always easy to navigate the world of education as a parent, and this is particularly challenging if they are trying to find way to support children with specific needs. ​ School colleagues deserve to feel empowered and confident to build meaningful relationships between home and school, and engage in informed critical dialogue with other agencies about appropriate interventions for school.  ​ ​

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